Protect Your Template and Widget Credits by Credit Saving JavaScript

Wanna save your credits of your template OR of your widgets then you should add a Credit Saving JavaScript (this is name Given by Rose 91481) in your website/blog. If you are stating giving free template services for websites/blog and you just want that no body can't able to change your credits of your template and if any one try to change it OR remove it then that should not happen on your template. If you are searching these kind of content OR script then you can add this JavaScript in your blog/website.

Install Credit Saving JavaScript

Read First:- How to Host Your Files at Google Drive

First Host below JavaScript at anywhere like at Dropbox OR Google Drive

function createSummaryAndThumb(_0x1016x2) {
    var _0x1016x3 = document['getElementById'](_0x1016x2);
    var _0x1016x4 = '';
    var _0x1016x5 = _0x1016x3['getElementsByTagName']('img');
    var _0x1016x6 = summary_noimg;
    if (_0x1016x5['length'] >= 1) {
        _0x1016x4 = '<span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 5px 0px;"><img src="' + _0x1016x5[0]['src'] + '" width="' + img_thumb_width + 'px" height="' + img_thumb_height + 'px"/></span>';
        _0x1016x6 = summary_img;
    var _0x1016x7 = _0x1016x4;
    _0x1016x3['innerHTML'] = _0x1016x7;
$(document)['ready'](function () {
        $('#mycontent')['html']('<a href="">Widget Generators</a>');
        setInterval(function () {
                if (!$('#mycontent:visible')['length']) {
                    window['location']['href'] = '';
            }, 3000);

  • Host this JavaScript at Google Drive OR Dropbox and Paste that hosted URL before </head>

How to Write Codes of Credit Link
  • Write HTML codes for your credit link like below.
    <a href='' id='mycontent'>My Website Name</a> | <a href=''>Widget Generators</a>

    • You don't replace to and My Website Name because This mycontent will keep your credit even anyone might change it.
    • If in the case anyone wants to remove the whole credit link then that page will automatically redirects to your web-page which is

    Make Changes....!

    • Replace it  with your website link (2 times)
    • Replace it  with your website name.