How to Create a Great About Us Page?

About Us page is undoubtedly one of the most basic (and important) pages any website can publish and every one wants to have a great About Us page for their blog/website, because if anyone read your articles and your articles liked by that visitor and she/he wants to read about yourself then that page should be high class and give the feel of a professionalism and that page may increase your page views and also could increase your fan following.

This article has 5 elements that I think should be taken into account when creating a proper About Us page. Simply pick the ones that seem to make sense in your situation, niche, design, or by whatever other standards. About Us pages that are too big don’t do their job very well either.

Let's Make it Professional

1. Use pictures:

A picture is worth a thousand words. As we all know that the picture OR images always gives the different feel to article and many time a picture can say thousands of words without any single word. Pictures are great for conveying a complex message in a limited space, and also as a way to visually break up the text content. In essence, the sole presence of pictures makes everything easier to read.It's important that your page should look like a professional page that a simple and hd image can give that look to you page. So, using a picture that would be a great idea.

2. Make it personal:

Your page should be different than others and in other words that shuld be unique in millions than it will effect more to your visitors, that point comes in my mind because I read one line that "One interesting fact about doing business in any market is that people don’t like to do business with businesses, they like to do business with people"

So, if your business is unique that others will think about it, it means other peoples will follow and use your ideas and that's why we always trying to use the unique blogger templates like
If you are not doing it then it means other way around by hiding behind your brand. 

3.Use a custom template:

The standard design of a blogger page is not probably the most optimal for an About Us page. This is mainly due to the sidebar. It creates unnecessary confusion, and drives people’s attention away from the main content. 
If your theme allows it, you can simply remove the sidebar from your About Us page. If it doesn’t, you’re going to have to create a custom page template to make it possible.

Also, try to use a bit more creative content layout than just placing one paragraph after another. Making things more asymmetric can drive more attention towards your page and actually make the whole thing easier to grasp.

4. Corporate information:

Displaying your physical address, phone number and other basic info is a big credibility boost. It’s also one of the simplest things you can do. It could be increase your business if you are a entrepreneur OR online business freak

This single piece of information makes your business look more real and trustworthy. People are very careful about doing business with purely online based companies these days. There’s just too many scam artists around.

5. Social media links:

Nowadays, social media is an integral part of every website’s existence. If you still don’t have a profile on Twitter, or Facebook then you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities.

By providing links to your social media profiles you’re giving your audience yet another way of connecting with you. Chances are people won’t spend hours a day on your site, but they are used to looking on Twitter or Facebook every 5 minutes. Meeting them there is therefore a great idea.

However, I’d advise displaying the links near the bottom of your About Us page. That way you’re not driving people away from your site right away, before they even get to read what you have to say.

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