Top Web Hosting Mistakes that Should be Avoid

There are so many web hosting options available that choosing the correct host can be a burden. Website owners should have a thorough understanding of the most common mistakes that are made when selecting a host in order to avoid these pitfalls themselves. Below are five of the most commonly made mistakes when it comes to choosing a web hosting service that are all easily avoidable.

Let's See Some Mistakes

1. Using One Web Hosting Service for Multiple Sites:

              Many website owners actually own multiple sites. If all the sites are on one server that goes down then that means none of their sites will be accessible. This is particularly important when websites are used as a means to make money because no money can be made when the sites are down. While it is tempting to choose just one web host for the sake of convenience, bulk management, and possibly discounts it is important to consider how important this factor is to the sites. If having all the sites down at one time would be devastating then consider using multiple servers.

2. Choosing a Web Host with a Badly Designed Website:

              When selecting a website host, it is worthwhile to examine their site. It should not have the appearance of being a “cookie cutter” site that lacks personality. It should always be functional and usable and have detailed facts, statistics, and contact information. In particular, there should always be a phone number that website owners should write down just in case their host site ever goes down. If a company claims to be an effective web hosting service their site should reflect that.

3. Selecting a Web Host with Bad Customer Service:

              Most website owners do not realize some of the minute technical details that are involved in web hosting. For this reason, it is vital that the chosen host has a good reputation when it comes to customer service. If questions arise, and they inevitably will, it is important that they respond quickly with an adequate answer. As a test, try sending them an e-mail with a question and see how long it takes to get a response. Specifically, their employees who respond to technical inquiries should be skilled.

4. Using a “Free” Web Hosting Service:

              More and more free web hosting services are popping up on the internet. Beware of those hosts that claim to be free. Most of the time they are free only because they put up advertisements on their hosted sites without giving the owner any say in the types of advertisements. In addition, they often lack certain features that most site owners would want to access. In other words, the old adage that states, “You get what you pay for” holds true when it comes to web hosting services.

5. Not Knowing What Requirements a Site Needs:

              It is important that website owners have an understanding of the requirements that their site will need when it comes to web hosting services. In other words, how much disk space or bandwidth is required? How quickly does the site need to load for optimal search results? These are just a few of the many questions that need to be answered prior to selecting a web hosting service. So, as a website owner, conduct the necessary research or be prepared to ask the proper questions in order to find a host to fit your site.

Web hosting is a vital component of a successful website. It is important to be thorough when vetting the many potential web hosting services that are available.  

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