5 Killer Points for Your Hit Blogging Success

Blogging is very treading topic in today's world and every one starting blogging as she/he a newbie OR successful person, many of us use blogging as a part time hobby OR many of us use it to make their career in it as professional but some of us never thinks about some basic topics which can make their blog hit in their sector and that basic things are very important for every blogger. The key of becoming a successful and professional blogger is quite simple but we have to follow that some steps on daily basic to make our blog on the top of the searching chats of search engines.

5 Killer Points of Blogging Success

   1. Theme

              As we mentioned many times that in the today's world when any visitor see your blog then first she/he notice the looks of your blog means theme of your blog. If your theme will be attractive and it will be good looking then visitor will take interest in your blog and she/he will want to spend more time on your blog.

Looks always attract to any visitor and this rule doesn't apply only in blogging but in every kind of business and in every sector of working. A successful blog needs to have a very strong and good looking theme. The theme always represents your brand and way of working. So, it is very important that you should focus on creating a strong theme therefore visitor come to see your blog.

   2. Sharing Post and Get Traffic

                     If you want that your post see by your daily visitors and also by others so you have to publish and share your post on the internet by social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, RSS etc. be'coz social sites easily generates the traffic and it's a best and free way to advertise of your blogging content and it will generate and increase the traffic of your blog.

You could join online communities such as and forums then share the link to your blog post.
On top of that, you could also reproduce your blog articles and then post them on online magazine websites  that are closely related to your articles guest blogging is also another effective way which you can generate more traffic to your blog.

   3. Always Write Original Content

                    This is very basic rule of blogging that if you want to boost your blog's traffic then you should always post the original and unique content on your blog be'coz visitors and Google also loves the original content. Your writing way tells greatly about who you really are. Not only, it gives you a strong voice on the internet, it gives you the authority to own your niche. Don't copy others article and if you use others data OR you copy others content then you should be respect others writing and you should give credit to that website OR to that author.

   4. Keep Make Consistency

                    Consistency is very important in blogging be'coz it proves that how much you active in blogging and how much you take interest in blogging and articles. If you will post articles on the daily basis then first traffic will automatic generate and visitors will comes and they will also increase day by day also you can get more other success like when we are posting here then before some time me and my blogger friend invited by a school and giving the guest lecture about blogging and it's future for teenagers and how can you start blogging from the school level make consistency with the studies.

The OUTPUT of above all point is MONEY

   5. Start Making Money

                        After following all above steps then on the last step you can start earning money from your blog by using Google Adsense, Chitika, Google Alternatives and other affiliating programs like Go Daddy and you can easily sell the web hosting, sell other products, also can easily promote other stuffs like tech products, accessories, clocks and other products. As we said you can earn money by affiliating network like Go Daddy, Buy and Sell Ads etc. Google Adsense is one of the best way to earn online money but you have keep patience in it be'coz you can't earn money in a month OR in a week and if you will use the shortcuts for Adsense then Never think to do it be'coz Google is more and more smarter than you and your tricks.

So, be genuine don't be fake and have some patience and after some time you see that your blog is boosting with traffic and money.


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