What is an Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneur is a  very different word in it's own be'coz it always related with business as individually, when anyone wants to be entrepreneur then he/she should be promote himself/herself in business level and and is commonly used to describe an individual who organizes and operates a business or businesses in it's own risk in the market as it's earning from internet, from their own business, OR earning from the market. In the today's world everyone wants to be self independent and internet and blogging and blogging is a very new and successful way to earn money and be a entrepreneur. Many peoples are presently a very successful entrepreneurs from blogging like Amit Aggrawal and he is earning about 8.5 lacks per month from his living room. So, it's very professional way to earn but not very easy :)  

What is an Entrepreneur....?

        An Entrepreneur is an individual who accepts some sort of risk — usually financial — in the pursuit of new ventures. The word can apply to any person organizing a new project or opportunity, though it is most often used in a business context. A person in this role is often characterized as innovative, independent, optimistic, creative, and hard-working.

Who are Entrepreneur....?

        For a long time it was thought that entrepreneurs were special, that they were just born with the ability and desire to go their own way, on their own. Over the past twenty years or so, we've discovered that entrepreneurs learn to do what they do that they also learn, to a large extent, to be who they are. That's why we say they are made not born.

Here's a easy way to remember some facts about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship:

E: xamine needs, wants, and problems to see how they can improve the way needs and wants are met and problems overcome.

N: arrow the possible opportunities to one specific "best" opportunity.

T: hink of innovative ideas and narrow them to the "best" idea.

R: esearch the opportunity and idea thoroughly.

E: nlist the best sources of advice and assistance that they can find.

P: lan their ventures and look for possible problems that might arise.

R: ank the risks and the possible rewards.

E: valuate the risks and possible rewards and make their decision to act or not to act.

N: ever hang on to an idea, no matter how much they may love it, if research shows it won't work.

E: mploy the resources necessary for the venture to succeed.

U: nderstand that they will have to work long and hard to make their venture succeed.

R: ealize a sense of accomplishment from their successful ventures and learn from their failures to help them achieve success in the future.  

Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs....!

         Entrepreneurs are different from each other, but successful entrepreneurs tend to share certain characteristics. Not all of them have developed each of the following to the same degree, but they tend to have developed most of them to some degree. Here are some common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. 

A Successful Entrepreneur Should Follow the Steps:

  • He/She should be passionate about achieving their goals
  • That person should have a spirit of adventure (means to face every problems and risks)
  • Also should have a strong need to achieve and seek personal accomplishment
  • He/She should be self-confident and self-reliant
  • He/She should be goal-oriented
  • be innovative, creative, and versatile in every kind of business task.
  • be hardworking and energetic
  • Also have a positive attitude
  • He/She should be willing to take initiative
  • have a strong sense of commitment 

 Risks with the Entrepreneur

        We can easily say risks is the first and primary function of this category.It doesn't mean that the entrepreneurs has an infinite tolerance for risk but  instead, it means that the successful entrepreneur is able to determine how much risk is appropriate for a particular task. He is also knows that his/her business never only earn profit, he/she also has to face the loss at any time.

Financial risk is the most common and primary type of risk for entrepreneurs. They often have to contribute their own money in their project and as well as that of other parties to a particular project. Some times they can loss their own livelihood and savings, but that of other investors too. If the venture is successful, however, the financial rewards may be great.

Businesses based on Entrepreneurs

          There are four types of business which is based on the Entrepreneurs and they can start their business in this five characters.
  • Manufacturing
  • Wholesale
  • Retailing
  • Service
  • Online Internet Earning

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