How to Post YouTube Videos in Comments

We always post comments in blogs like u could say anything OR could post any link, images etc but you will wonder if i say you can easily post Youtube videos in blogger comments, I know this will be some where a kind of imagination but now this possible because of some tricks and hacks with google, youtube and blogger.

Follow the Steps:

  • Login to Blogger > Dashboard
  • Click on Drop Down Menu and select Template
  • Backup your Template before making any changes to your blog
  • Now Click on Edit HTML > Proceed > Expand Widget Templates
  • Press Ctrl + F and Search the code shown below. 


    • Paste Below Code Just Above </head>

      <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
      <script type='text/javascript'>
      // Embed youtube videos in Blogspot comments by MS-potilas 2012 and YABTB
      // See
      // if oetag=0, just use video urls like:
      //           surrounded by white space (video tag can be used, too)
      // if oetag=1 (for nerdy blogs?), use syntax:
      //           [video=]
      // config:
      var oetag = 0;           // see above
      var oetagname = "video"; // [video=zzz], maybe you like "embed" or "youtube" more?
      var oelazy = -1; // -1 detect, 0 = normal, 1 = lazy (needs lazy load hack)
      function oe_loadscript(filename) {
        var scr=document.createElement('script');
      function oe_jumptohash() { // reposition to anchor
        window.scrollTo(0, $("#"+window.location.hash.replace(/^#/, "")).offset().top);
      var oe_tid;
      var oe_elems = {};
      function oembed_callback(response) {
        var resp = response;
        revurl = resp.url.split("").reverse().join("");
        html = oe_elems[response.callID].html();
        ee = $(resp.html);
        w = parseInt(ee.attr("width"));
        h = parseInt(ee.attr("height"));
        if(oelazy==1) { // convert to lazy load
          src = ee.attr("src");
          src += ((src.indexOf("?")==-1) ? "?" : "&") + "autoplay=1";
          ee.attr("src", src);
          ee.attr("style", "vertical-align:top;");
          htm = $("<div/>").append(ee).html();
          htm = $('<div/>').text(htm).html().replace(/"/g,'&quot;');
          resp.html = '<a href="'+resp.url+'" class="youtube-lazy-link" style="width: '+w+'px; height: '+h+'px; background: #000 url('+resp.thumbnail_url+') center center no-repeat;" onclick="$(this).replaceWith(\''+htm+'\');return false;"><div style="width:'+(w-4)+'px;height:'+(h-4)+'px;" class="youtube-lazy-link-div"></div><div class="youtube-lazy-link-info"><b>'+resp.title+(resp.playlist ? '</b> [playlist]' : '</b>')+'<br /><small>by '+resp.author_name+'</small></div></a>';
        htmlx = html.replace("[" + oetagname + "="+resp.url+"]", " " + resp.url + " ");
        htmlx = htmlx.replace("[" + oetagname + "="+resp.url+" ]", " " + resp.url + " ");
        htmlx = htmlx.replace('"'+resp.url+'"', '"'+revurl+'"');  // trick to preserve href="url"
        htmlx = htmlx.replace(resp.url, '<div style="height:'+h+'px;" class="oembed youtube">'+resp.html+'</div>')
        htmlx = htmlx.replace('"'+revurl+'"', '"'+resp.url+'"');  // trick to preserve href="url"
        if(html != htmlx) {
          if(window.location.hash.replace(/^#/, "").length > 0) {
            if(oe_tid) window.clearTimeout(oe_tid);
            oe_tid = window.setTimeout("oe_jumptohash()", 1000);
      function oembed_yt(url, width, callID) {
        src = "" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&callback=oembed_callback&callID=" + encodeURIComponent(callID);
        if(width) src = src + "&maxwidth=" + width + "&maxheight=" + width;
      $(document).ready(function() {
       det=$('<div class="youtube-lazy-link-div" />');
       if(det.css("position")=="absolute") {
        if(oelazy != 0) oelazy=1;
       else oelazy = 0;
       window.setTimeout(function() {
        var callID=0;
        $(".comment-content,.comment-body,.comment-body-author").each(function() {
          html = " " + $(this).html() + " ";
            matches = html.match(new RegExp("\\["+oetagname+"=(https?:\\/\\/[^\\s<\\/]*youtu\\.*be[^\\]]+)", "g"));
            matches = html.match(/([>\s^]|\[\w+=)(https?:\/\/[^\s<\/]*youtu\.*be[^\s<\]]+)/g);
          if(matches && matches.length) {
            for(var i=0;i<matches.length;i++) {
              url = matches[i].match(/https?:\/\/[^\s<\/]*youtu\.*be[^\s<\]]+/);
              oe_elems[callID] = $(this);
              oembed_yt(url, $(this).width(), callID++);
       }, 500);

    • Now Save Your Template.

    How to Post Videos in Comment....?

    • Go to Youtube 
    • Copy the link of Video and Paste in comment
    • Finally, Post Your Comment.
    • Say Bingo and Your Done.