New to Blogger Buster? Take a tour of the site!

If you're a new visitor to Blogger Buster, you may be wondering what this site is all about, how to find the information you're looking for, and how this site can be useful for you!

On this page, you can take a quick tour of the site, read some of the most frequently asked questions, and see some of the posts which regular readers have found most useful.

So What Is Blogger Buster About?

Blogger Buster is a resource site for those who use Google Blogger to publish their blogs

Here you will find:

  • Tutorials to help you learn how to use and customize your blog.

  • Free Blogger layouts templates to give your blog a makeover with ease.

  • Online tools to add extra functionality to your site.

  • News about the latest Blogger updates and developments.

  • General advice about blogging, to help you build a better, more popular blog!

Blogger Buster is updated several times a week with new articles and features, making this a valuable source of information for anything related to the Google Blogger platform.

Find Your Way to Some Great Articles and Resources!

Near the top of the page, you'll notice links to the three main areas of Blogger Buster:

  • Tutorials: If you are interested in customizing your blog, or simply want to learn more about how to use your Blogger blog more effectively, you'll be interested in reading the wide selection of tutorials.

  • Templates: Looking for an easy way to give your Blogger blog a whole new theme? This section of the site features free Blogger templates for download, and links to other sites which offer templates too!

  • Tools: Here you will find a selection of tools which can help improve your blog. You can generate favicons, get a widget to display your PageRank, find color codes and more!

To get a feel for the type of articles published here, you might want to read "The Best of Blogger Buster in 2007" which lists some of the most popular and useful posts of last year.

If you're particularly interested in learning how to customize your Blogger template, you can download a free e-book: The Cheats' Guide to Customizing Blogger Templates which features simple and easy methods to totally transform your blog theme.

Other popular articles include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Need to know something about the site? This section answers the most frequently asked questions about Blogger Buster to help you understand how this site works, and where you can find the information you need:

Q Where can I find a new template for my blog?

A There is a great selection of free Blogger layouts templates for you to download. The Templates link in the red navigation bar near the top of the page will lead you to a complete list of the templates available for download on the site. Alternatively, you can browse the Free Blogger Templates category by clicking through the link in the sidebar to read about all of the different templates available both from Blogger Buster and from other sites on the web.

QHow can I find a post about ______ ?

AThe easiest way to find a post about your particular question is to use the search box found in the header section. Try using a few different keywords related to your question in your searches which will help you find articles of interest more easily.

You may also like to browse the categories which are listed in the sidebar to the right. For example, if you need help customizing your Blogger template, you should look in the "Customize Your Blogger Template" category, while all posts related to increasing traffic to your blog will be in the SEO and Blog Traffic category.

QI can't find the answer to my question!

AIf you can't find a post to answer your Blogger related questions, feel free to send me your question in an email. I may be able to answer your question right away, or could write a post about this in the future.

QDo you offer a custom blog design service?

ANot at the moment, though in the near future I will be introducing a premium service for unique Blogger template designs. Feel free to email me if you'd like more information about this.

QWhat is the "Updates Via Twitter" thing in the header section?

ATwitter is a free "social networking" service which thousands of people use to keep their friends updated on what they're doing at the moment.

I use Twitter as a means of keeping readers updated about what's going on in the site, and also to offer Blogger news, useful links and other tidbits which I think may be useful to other Bloggers.

You can read more about Twitter and how it can be used on the Twitter information page. If you'd like to receive "tweets" about Blogger Buster, you may want to follow me on Twitter.

QHow can I get updates about new articles when they are published?

AYou can "subscribe" to Blogger Buster to receive news of updates to the site as they are published. There are two different ways you can subscribe: by RSS (in a feed reader) or by signing up for email updates. You can find links to both of these subscription methods in the red navigation bar near the top of the page.

Both of these subscription methods are explained in full on the Subscription Page.

QWhat is the "Recent Readers widget?

AThis widget displays the avatars of recent visitors who are members of the MyBlogLog community, and each avatar links to the member's own profile page which is hosted on the MyBlogLog website.

MyBlogLog can help you build a community around your blog, find other members who are interested in the same things as you, and is a great social networking tool for bloggers.

You can learn more about MyBlogLog by visiting the site, and may also be interested in joining the Blogger Buster community to interact with myself and other people who are interested in using Blogger.

QWhat is "Entrecard"?

AEntrecard is a new phenomenon in the blogging world which allows bloggers and webmasters to advertise on each other's blogs, interact and build relationships with each other, and find other sites of interest to them. "Entrecards" are a little bit like business cards: you can "drop" you card on other blogs (like this one) which can encourage the author to come and visit your site.

Using Entrecard, you can earn points which you may use to purchase ads and other services too.

If you would like to learn more about Entrecard, take a look at the information page on the Entrecard website.

Questions? Suggestions?

You can comment on most of the posts here at Blogger Buster to let me know your thoughts and views on a particular article. To leave a comment, simply click on one of the "comments" links inside the post, fill in your details and leave your message. You can even comment anonymously of you prefer. The "Comments Policy" gives details of how comments are managed here at Blogger Buster.

If you would like to contact me directly about any aspect of this site, you can send me an email directly from the "Contact Me" page.

Enjoy what you have read so far?

I hope you've enjoyed the resources and articles available on the Blogger Buster site. So if you like what you have read so far, why not subscribe to the Blogger Buster feed to receive updates as they are posted? You can choose to subscribe in a reader or sign up for email updates of you prefer, and are free to unsubscribe at any time.