Tools for Bloggers

Here you will find a collection of useful blogging tools.

Free Google PageRank Display Widget

PageRank Display Widget

Check your blog's PageRank and display your ranking as a widget anywhere in your blog.

Add PageRank Display Widget >>

Email Icon

Email Scrambler

Posting your email address online can encourage spam to your inbox. Thwart those pesky email harvesters by scrambling your email address!

Scramble your email link >>

Color Icon

Web Color Calculator

Need to find the hex value of your favorite color? Use this free tool to find the values for the colors you need.

Use the Web Color Calculator >>


Button Maker

Create small 80x15px buttons in your favorite colors. Ideal for blog promotion, RSS feeds and more.

Create 80x15px buttons >>


Favicon Maker

Favicons are those tiny icons you often see in the left of the URL window in your browser. Using this tool, you can transform any JPG image into a customized favicon of your own!

Create favicons from your favorite images >>

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum "Dummy Text" generator

If you're working on a new design and need some dummy text to fill in the gaps, you can use this free Lorem Ipsum generator to create "dummy text" (you'll often find this used in my demonstration templates!).

Generate Lorem Ipsum Text >>